Auto Injury

Car accidents, no matter how minor can have serious and lasting problems if not addressed. According to research, After 6 months of a person that was involved in a car accident 74% had neck pain linked to the accident. After 1 year, 63% still had neck pain. Chiropractic is one of the best treatments for whiplash and car accidents, and it is crucial for people to be seen. Manual manipulative therapy (Chiropractic) for the treatment of neck pain has been shown to be significantly superior to pain medicines and to exercise. (Annals of Internal Medicine, 2002)

Common whiplash symptoms including headaches, nausea, neck pain, reduced range of mobility, shoulder pain, and many others. It can take days, sometimes weeks for symptoms to appear from an accident. Individuals involved in a motor vehicle accident are 7 times more likely to suffer neck degeneration within 7 years.

s-curve of whiplash
